速報APP / 個人化 / Danger Tones

Danger Tones





版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本



Danger Tones(圖1)-速報App

Many alert sounds to customize your mobile:

  * Evacuation

Danger Tones(圖2)-速報App

  * Sirens

  * Alarm

Danger Tones(圖3)-速報App

  * Emerencia

  * Danger

Danger Tones(圖4)-速報App

  * Detector incencido

  * Prohibition

Danger Tones(圖5)-速報App

  * Caveat

and many more.

Danger Tones(圖6)-速報App

Irritating to your friends with these annoying sounds.

Set these loud warning tones as your ringtone, sms or notification.

Danger Tones(圖7)-速報App

They are only shades of danger, siren that warns of a dangerous situation.

Press the button to hear the tone, hold the button and a menu appears, now you can customize the phone with the alarm.

Danger Tones(圖8)-速報App

Loud ringtones of danger, and SMS notification sounds.


Danger Tones(圖9)-速報App

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